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EMD was founded within Pentecostal Union in 2003 as a result of necessity to coordinate missionary and evangelistic activities. One of the EMD activities is to organize various missionary seminars and conferences in local churches in order to have a permanent activity and to promote missionary work.

As much as possibilities allow, EMD also renders financial support for organizing and sustaining evangelistic activities in local churches as well as for planting new churches. Thus, we support prayerfully and financially the evangelists that are involved in national missionary work.

Another activity of the departament is to encourage the local churches’ involvement in evangelism.  In a special way, EMD tries to inspire in the churches the desire to apply personal evangelism, „from heart to heart”, helping both with necessary materials and planning seminars in local churches, as well as practical work.

The evangelists from other countries, such as: Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Nepal,Turkey, Uganda, Tanzania, Myanmar and Algeria, are supported in their missionary work through the departament. EMD supports short-time missionary trips of evangelistic groups to other countries in order to help local churches in spreading the Gospel and planting new churches.

EMD carries out all these activities thanks to the active involvement of the Churches that are part of the UEFCC, having a common goal to fulfil „the Great Commandment” and to proclaim the Great Name of Jesus Christ, and to extend His kingdom both in our country and beyond its borders!

God bless you!

Pentecostal Union of Moldova,

Evangelism and Mission Departament


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