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TheChurch building in Cupcini. Nr.1

Help us toremodel this building for the newly planted Church in Cupcini.

People from the Church in Cupcini need help toremodel the newly purchased building. This is the Church that has to shinebright in Cupcini, for there are so many unsaved people in this town. Godblesses this church with growth and faith.


The Church building in Cuconestii Noi, Edinet.Nr.2

The churchis under construction. Its plan: 1 sanctuary and 3 classrooms.

The church has 200 members. It carries out variousprograms: Sunday School (three classes), youth and prayer services. Also, ithas a music group called "Golgotha".The group sings in the church, but it is also invited to sing in other churchesand at various evangelistic programs.


The Church building in Tirnova. Nr.3

Help us toremodel this building for the newly planted Church in Tirnova.

People fromTirnova need help to remodel the newly bought building.


The Church building in Mihailenii-Vechi, Riscani.Nr.4

The churchis under construction. The Pentecostal church from Riscani town planted a newevangelical church in the village of Mihailenii-Vechi. Atthe moment, this young church numbers 30 members. They serve the Lord JesusChrist through various ministries, such as: Sunday School and evangelisticprograms, sharing the Gospel with children and people from the village. Thegreat desire of this church is to tell the Good News to all the people fromtheir village. Another desire is to build a church building, where people willbe able to worship and praise God.


The Church building in Cornesti, Centre. Nr.5

Cornesti is a small town situated in the center of the country, whichremained at present with about 3000 inhabitants. In this town was planted anevangelical church, which is actively involved in the outreach ministry. Thechurch’s goal is to reach the whole town and the neighboring villages forChrist. In the summer of 2005 the local church has opened its doors fordifferent missionary teams, which have been helping in the church ministry.

The Church building in Copceac, Nr.6

Curdoglo Nicolai was born in 1972. Together with his family he lives inthe village of Baurci, Chyadir Lunga district. He ismarried and has 3 children. He is responsible for the evangelistic ministry inthe evangelical church of Baurci village. He isalso responsible for the evangelistic ministry in Copchak village. It is a bigvillage with 9000 habitants. About 11 people attend the church in Copchakvillage. They are going to start the Sunday school ministry and to extendministries in this small church. Because of lack of the church building peoplegather for services on Sundays only. But the church asks God to bless them witha church building. They found a building in the center of the village.

With God'sand your help we will continue to serve the Lord!

The Church building in Pascauti, Nr.7

The Pentecostal church in Pascauti village is the church at whosefoundation there were brothers and sisters, who had accepted Jesus during persecutions.When the time of freedom came, the church has started to grow. And now we needthe building to hold all those who want to listen to the Word of God. In nearbyvillages, in the range of 35 kilometers, there are no churches. We plan to evangelizethe neighboring villages. Thank God, we were able to buy a building for thechurch right in the center of the village, but it requires a major restoration.We need finances for repair. We believe that having the building our churchwill increase even more, and also we will be doing the work of God with evengreater desire and diligence.

Help us to remodel this building. God blessyou!!!


Adresa juridică: MD-2044, mun. Chişnău; bd. Mircea cel Bătrîn 4/5

Banca: BC  Victoriabanc fil. 14
Cod: VICBMD2X446
Cont de decontare: 225100000100521
Cont valutar: 222400100100521
Codul fiscal: 385692


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