«Voice of the Gospel» is a magazine edited by the Pentecostal Union from Republic of Moldova.

Revista Voice of the Gospel


The first issue of the magazine was edited atthe end of 2000 year with the purpose to reflect the history, activity andvision of the churches within the Pentecostal Union, different events organizedby the Union, and also various subjects on religious-moraltopics.

During 2002—2005 the publication of the magazine was temporarily suspended, and it's next issue was edited in the beginning of 2006. At the moment (2008 year) the 16th issue is being published.

Why not treat yourself with a copy of the latest issue of «Voice of Gospel» magazin? If interested, you can subscribe in recieving our magazines through our e-mail: vocea@moldpent.com. To subscribe you need to include in your e-mail, your Name, full home adress, the amount of magazines you wish to recieve and your phone number.
The price is:
80 lei/per year for citizens of Republic of Moldova.
20 dollars/per year to the United States.